

Five Nights at Shreks Hotel

313 players

What is Five Nights at Shrek's Hotel?

Five Nights at Shrek's Hotel is a horror survival game set in Shrek's mysterious and eerie swampy hotel. Players take on the role of a night guard hired to watch over the hotel's premises during the night. However, things quickly take a terrifying turn as they realize they are not alone. Navigate through the hotel's dark corridors, evade grotesque creatures, and survive until dawn.

How to Play:

  1. Night Guard Duties: As the night guard, your primary objective is to survive five nights at Shrek's Hotel. Monitor security cameras, lock doors, and keep an eye on your surroundings to fend off any unwanted visitors.

  2. Survive the Night: Your survival depends on your ability to outlast the grotesque inhabitants lurking within the hotel. Stay alert and use your wits to evade danger, as you never know what horrors may await you in the darkness.

  3. Manage Resources: Conserve power and resources throughout the night to ensure your survival. Use security cameras strategically, but be mindful of your energy levels, as running out of power could leave you vulnerable to attack.

  4. Uncover Secrets: Explore the hotel's sinister secrets as you delve deeper into its murky depths. Piece together clues and unravel the mysteries surrounding Shrek's Hotel to uncover the truth behind its haunted halls.

  5. Survive Each Night: With each passing night, the challenges become increasingly difficult. Stay calm under pressure, adapt to changing circumstances, and use your ingenuity to survive until dawn.


Using mouse.